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Click a bubble to learn more about the different ways to get your CE
CEWisconsin is your insurance agent CE-- faster, cheaper, and easier
than you'd ever expect. Your time is valuable, and finishing your CE as
quickly as possible at the lowest cost means you can get back to business.
I'm Bill Murray, and I'm here to help you do just that.
And yes, I'm certified with the
state to do CE.
It's easy to complete your CE requirement
by self-study at
CEWisconsin! Here's how to do it...
1. You don't choose
your self-study
classes up-front at CEWisconsin. Just buy the number of credits
(below) you
need to complete and then come back to this page to take any classes you want, when you want,
up to the number of credits that you purchased. Different
classes have different numbers of credits, so you can mix
and match to get to what you need. State mandatedannuity and
long-term care
classes are available as well, and all count toward your
24-credit requirement. Doing it this way prevents
you from being stuck having to take a class that you don't
2. Click the menu item at left to view classes. Feel free
to look around. I don't subtract credits from your
purchase until you pass a test. If you don't like the look
of a class, go back to the class list and look at something
else. Several of my classes get you all 24
credits (including ethics) in a single class-- and they're
very popular. Once you settle on a class, review the class
reading material at your pace. Move on to the test when you are
3. Tests are 25 to 50 questions, multiple choice. Passing score
is 70% or higher. Test only takes 20-25 minutes to finish. State
rules require a
proctor while you take the test. You can
repeat a test right away if you don't pass at no extra charge,
no shame, and no embarrassment.
4. Once you pass, click the link on the
test confirmation page to get to the test affidavit. You and your
proctor will
fill it out and type in your initials and signatures. Then it is
electronically submitted to me. Then I'll get you your diploma within 24
hours or so. You can also print it anytime you want
here. I send your credits
to the state on a regular schedule. You'll see an email from
me when I send them in. Always check your SPAM
5. Go to www.nipr.com to renew your
license with the state. You can only do this in the last 90 days of
your licensing period, and only if all your credits have
been submitted. Fee is about $40 total.
Self-Study CE
Everyone needs a total of 24 credits (hours) of CE, regardless of how
many licenses you carry. At least 3 of the 24 credits must be "ethics",
but you can take more than 3 credits and they all count toward the 24. You
can get 24 credits for just $45.99 plus WI state CE submission fees
($1/credit = $69.99 total). Fees are collected at time of purchase to avoid unnecessary
delays and the inconvenience to you of paying again and again, every time
you complete a class. At CEWisconsin you're not buying classes, just credits. Like when
you go to the carnival and buy a bunch of tickets-- some rides take 1
ticket, some 2 tickets, and so on. My classes vary from 1 credit to 24
credits. You can take any class you want, any time you want-- no
commitments. I subtract
credits when you pass the test. Take classes until you run out of credits.
*WI CE Submission fee: $1/credit fee charged by the state to submit your
credits. It is not your WI license renewal fee; that's a separate $40 you pay at
www.nipr.com. The CE fee started in December of 2015 when the state switched from Sircon to SBS for their license renewals. I pay this fee on your
behalf, and I collect it at the time of purchase. My competitors don't talk much about this fee until after you pass your test, then make you pay the fee in order to have your credits submitted-- like a ransom.
I think this is dishonest (since it makes their services look cheaper than mine, when they are not) and it puts your license at risk, if you are cutting it close to your expiration.
At CEWisconsin, what you pay is what it costs. No baloney.
Buy Self-Study Credits Here
Reminder: You're just buying credits, not classes.
You can take any self-study classes you want up to the number of credits you have
purchased, anytime. Once purchased, credits can be used anytime in the
future. No expiration. Need to pay by check? Click here.
Rush processing is submission of your credits within 24 hours or less for an additional $19.99. Fee does not cover the cost
of credits, only the additional cost to submit within 24 hours. Rush submission will occur within 24 hours when you finish the last of your purchased credits and I have received all required affidavits (all classes will be submitted together).
Contact Me
Bill Murray, approved Wisconsin Continuing Education Provider #20781 Phone/Text: 608.219.4985 (fastest response is usually by
text) Email:
Bill@cewisconsin.com My State Certification is here,
if you're worried...