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Pay by Check

Please send a check or money order according to information below. Please email me with your name, email address and NPN number (or include a note with your check) so that I will be expecting your check. Make checks payable to "Bill Murray". Please don't hesitate to call me at (608)219-4985.

Please send checks to:

Bill Murray

1298 St. Patrick Way

Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Make checks payable to "Bill Murray".

Include this information with your check:

First and Last Name: ________________________

Phone number: ___________________

NPN Number: _________________________

Email address: _________________________

Number of credits you are purchasing: ______

My email address: bill@cewisconsin.com, and office phone: 608-219-4985.

Feel free to study the class material and take the test while the "check is in the mail", however I will not submit test results until checks clear.