CEWisconsin.com Test Login

PLEASE NOTE: If after you attempt to login, the system tells you that your license number has not been registered, please register your NPN. You will then be able to proceed to your test.

Not yet registered? Please click here to register for the first time. You will be able to proceed after registration.

CEWisconsin.com is not responsible for customer losses from prematurely repeated classes or unnecessary classes taken. By proceeding, you agree to this. Please follow the below instructions before you login to prevent a costly mistake.

Before you take this test, you should double check:

that you aren't repeating this test for the same licensing period (you can repeat classes from one period to the next, but can't take the same class more than once within a licensing period for credit).

that you don't already have your 24 credits completed for the current licensing period (you can't carry forward credits from one period to the next, so you'll just be wasting your money).

Go to: https://live-nipr-cms.pantheonsite.io/help/continuing-education-requirements to check.

1. On the page that comes up, choose Wisconsin and hit "Go to State Website".
2. One the next page, choose "Wisconsin" in "Jurisdiction", "Entity Type" is "Individual", enter your Last Name, then enter your NPN and last four digits of your SSN as requested at the bottom of the page, and hit "Search".
3. On the next page, click on "Education Transcript" in the upper left corner as shown below.
Agent Lookup Guide

Here's what you'll see (below picture). Note your expiration and compliance period dates. If you have renewed your license, you'll see that this will be advanced ahead. Make sure that the new period has started (last period has ended) before you take any classes for the new period! Classes you have taken are found under the "license details" section. Note the "current period" or "previous period" as you view the classes you have taken.

Agent Lookup Guide 2